Reunion Committee:
Cris Beamer Stinespring
Cookie Leveille Henry
Mark Pugh
LeVon Scott
Donna Shank Pickard
Thomas Southard
Elaine VonCannon
Steve Wiseman
Peggy Yoder Kipfer Website Admin:
Thomas Southard
105 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.
Combined, we have 213 children, 241 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
20 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 190 years.
76 of us spent a combined total of 300 years earning 19 Associates, 52 Bachelors, 19 Masters and 4 Doctorate degrees.
Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 50 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 60 foreign countries.
4 of us have birthdays this month, and 8 of us have birthdays in March.
Currently, 43 of us are retired.
Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.
Website Questions, Problems or Suggestions? Contact the programmer HERE.
(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.) is independently operated and is not affiliated with Denbigh High School or Newport News Public Schools.